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Wine Glasses: The 4 Types You Need to Know | o.s.m | Manufacturing of Craft & Paper Supplies
Categories: Uncategorized

Wine Glasses: The 4 Types You Need to Know | o.s.m


When it comes to wine, there are all sorts of different styles and types. And, of course, there are different wine glasses to match. If you’re new to the world of wine, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to figure out which wine glass goes with what wine. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here’s a quick rundown of the four most common types of wine glasses and what wines they’re typically used for:

Red Wine Glasses: These glasses have a larger bowl than white wine glasses, which allows for more oxygen to reach the wine and brings out its flavor. Red wine glasses are typically used for full-bodied red wines, like cabernet sauvignon or merlot.

White Wine Glasses: White wine glasses have a smaller bowl than red wine glasses, which helps to keep the wine cooler and preserves its aroma. White wine glasses are typically used for lighter white wines, like chardonnay or pinot grigio.

Champagne Flutes: Champagne flutes have a long, skinny shape that helps to preserve the bubbles in champagne. They’re also great for sparkling wine and prosecco.

Dessert Wine Glasses: Dessert wine glasses are typically smaller than other wine glasses and have a stem so you can hold them without warming up the wine. They’re perfect for sweeter wines, like a dessert wine, port, or Sherry.

Of course, there are all sorts of other wine glasses out there for different types of wine. But these are the four most common and most versatile wine glasses that you’ll need for most wines. So stock up and enjoy!




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