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How to attract more customers into your online wholesale website | o.s.m | Manufacturing of Craft & Paper Supplies
Categories: Uncategorized

How to attract more customers into your online wholesale website | o.s.m

Learn the best way to market and advertise your wholesale website of craft supplies and other products.

Before getting into the tips, allow me to say this:

* Blogging is not about writing articles just for the sake of writing them but to attract customers through mass (organic) search engine optimization and sales generation techniques.  It’s not about what you say but how many people listen!

How to attract more customers to the craft supplies wholesaling business website:


1. Content is king (or queen): just as I shared in my last blog, “Creating content is one of the keys to generate more leads or customers”. So if content creation is an important part of marketing and generating sales leads, then it should be 50% of your efforts in driving traffic to your website/blog and subsequently increase sales, as long as there are enough backlinks that will go back directly to your site. This means writing articles regularly and sharing them on social media sites like Facebook group discussions, Instagram posts etc., but not just for the sake of doing it but to solve real problems that people have and, in exchange, giving value wherever you can.

2. Leverage on Social media:  Content creation is also about sharing your blog articles and ideas on social media sites like Facebook groups, Instagram etc. The point here is to gain exposure to more people who could help increase sales of craft supplies using their networks and solve a problem they may have by providing them with the information they need. This means you should be active every day on social media (sharing other users content too) instead of just posting an article once or twice a week only! It’s all about consistent communication and engagement building upon each other because there is no way you can share just one article and have someone read it, get interested in the craft supplies wholesaling business and then buy from you. You must first build a relationship with them before they can trust you enough to buy from you!

3. Make sure that there is an obvious call-to-action on each of your posts/articles; this could be as simple as pointing out an article or just a way for people to connect with you, like commenting on your post so that when they are ready to purchase craft supplies, they will already know how to contact you (via email).


4. Create a website: but not just any old website because no one wants to revisit another boring site…I

mean, who would want to visit and read articles on websites with no regard for web design at all. It’s about aesthetics and not just any old plain site with basic colours and features because your craft supplies business deserves more than that!

5. Creativity- You have to be really creative when it comes to ideas to promote your craft supplies business product effectively; whether you are a wholesaler or retailer, following the latest trends is one way to grab attention from customers, but only if they will be attracted and inspired by it…and there is a huge difference between being inspired (which can convert into sales) and imitating others (which will get you nowhere). Just make sure that whatever methods you choose are applicable, they must answer a real need/problem, and of course, they must help increase sales! If you are not sure what is trendy, contact our office, and we will send you one of the researches we launched about what’s trendy right now.

6. Never underestimate the power of networking: just like I mentioned above, it’s not only about how many articles you write to achieve your goals but also about who will read and share them. When talking about gaining exposure through networking, don’t sell yourself or your craft supplies business! Having a good relationship is important because you want to develop trust with people and build a community around you so that they value what you do and, in return, make sales based on their recommendations alone.

you can start by networking with us on Linkedin:


7. Never stop learning: it doesn’t matter how much you know or think that there is nothing left to learn…there always will be someone out there who knows more than you (even if it’s just one thing). So never stop learning new things from anyone, no matter who they are or where they came from. The point is to learn and stay inspired, so if you don’t have a mentor right now, find someone you can learn from…even the most common things can turn out to be very useful in your craft supplies business.


Conclusions: If you are serious about starting or running your own craft supplies business, then you must understand the potential of using the Internet to promote your products effectively…it’s not just another medium of advertising but also an effective way of connecting with customers around the globe which could lead to sales for years to come! Whatever craft supplies wholesaling or retailing business you choose, make sure that people see what sets them apart from their competitors…the best form of marketing will always be the word of mouth advertising and the more customers you have recommending your product, the better.

So do these steps work? YES! However, it may take time to achieve your goals, so start working on them

now. Remember, this isn’t magic. Posting or networking once in a while will achieve nothing. Consistency is the key.

About the author: An experienced craft supplies manufacturer with vast knowledge in haberdashery wholesale distribution and craft supplies sales.

Reach me at: https://o-s-mtrading.com     


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